Hand module and DCS


Yes, I believe that explains the confusion. I am very jealous! Wow! Very nice!
Even if they sold those in the US, $500 for a Collective Assembly is a little out of my current price range (Wah!). Iā€™d be happy to accept one as a gift, thoā€¦ :crazy_face:

Edit: Wow! And Wow a few more times! Can we see a picture of your rig? How much do you have tied into that? That site looks like you could spend a fortune without even trying! Do you have motion with your rig?

Yes. You instruct VoiceAttack to launch a command as administrator, that starts/stops the service. Not having VoiceAttack stop a process.

C:\windows\system32\sc stop LeapService

Like with a batch file, or a command line, or with the ā€˜runā€™ dialog. Just like running ā€˜explorer.exeā€™ or ā€˜cmd.exeā€™, ā€˜C:\windows\system32\scā€™ is an executable program, which manages these services. You can also run ā€˜services.mscā€™ to get a GUI for managing these services - though I think TaskManager includes this functionality now as well.

VoiceAttack required me to add ā€˜C:\windows\system32ā€™ , as in ā€˜C:\windows\system32\scā€™ (without the single quotes) .

no motion - yet 3 dof reality being very heavily contemplated
too much tied into it to think about it.

heres my set up



Very very nice! I like the simplistic, clean design! Yeah, we wonā€™t discuss money anymore, that picture says it all! :grin: Very nice!
As to the motion. A lesson that would have saved me a lot of money: there seem to be a couple of different methods of achieving ā€œmotionā€. The cheapest seems to be oriented on a U-joint. Yep, the same one in older vehicles. I have a couple on my '76 ford drive shaft.
The problem with this approach is that U-joints have a small amount of play or slack or whatever you want to call it. While this isnā€™t a problem for most uses, when you place one at the bottom pivot point of your chair, that small amount of slack amounts to a good 6 inches (about 9.5cm) of play at your head. That is actually a significant amount of movement that is not matched by your visual input.
I find that flying helicopters isnā€™t too bad, but driving is an issue if you are at all sensitive to VR sickness.
When I say that flying helicopters isnā€™t too bad, it means that I can cope, that doesnā€™t mean that the slop isnā€™t really obvious.
My advice would be not to waste your time or money on a U-joint based motion platform.

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Fascinating. Iā€™ve got it working but I suspect that Iā€™m still doing it differently than you are: for me, the ā€œ.exeā€ on the end is needed.

So, for me, the procedure is:
under New Command, I click Other/Windows/Run an Application. In this window, in the first field, I enter ā€˜C:\windows\system32\sc.exeā€™ . Next line, With these Parameters: ā€˜stop LeapServiceā€™. And ā€˜C:\windows\system32ā€™ for the next line; Working Directory.
To start it, I make another command that has ā€˜start LeapServiceā€™ instead.

I do have to set VA to launch as admin. This is the only time that Iā€™ve had to do this, so Iā€™m wondering if the way that you are doing it might make it possible to start and stop the service without that step.

While I agree that the new driver is a bit better, imho, it still sucks. Next to check out the other driver.

Just out of curiosity, I was noticing that the hand emulation for the original SDraw driver only had the thumb and two fingers and I was wondering if you think that this might have anything to do with the lousy functionality? Iā€™m thinking that tracking 5 fingers should lead to more accuracy than tracking 3 fingers.

Edit: note to anyone trying this. Make sure that you have the service started again before you exit SteamVR or PE wonā€™t accept your hands again until PE is restarted.

thanks for the moving platform advise :grinning:


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Check this one out, almost looks like your rig! Or that it was made for your rigā€¦
By VRXsim

I may have ā€˜%system32ā€™ added to my system PATH variable. I will modify my VoiceAttack macros so this does not become a problem in the future. Thank you for testing and reporting this!

Not having VoiceAttack use administrator permissions is a bad idea generally. However, I do sometimes use ā€˜nircmdā€™ with a batch script to elevate permissions more selectively or forcibly.

Flight sim is the only application I expect that driver to be useful for. Wand/Index controllers are an approximation of what human hands can do, that could not work efficiently with empty hands in empty space to begin with. Such controllers do not map completely, intuitively, or at all angles, to human hands.

Configuration file format for that driver does not seem to be stable, some of the defaults are not sane, any real controllers cause conflicts, and the accuracy is perhaps 100x behind what Leap Motion is capable of.

Native Leap Motion support - in OVRDrop and such - is what we need.

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WOW thats even out of my price range!!


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For me, that other driver just causes SteamVR to go nuts. With the updated SDraw driver I canā€™t get it to recognize any gestures except the trigger. Going backwards here, lol.
Oh, well, it was fun to play with it. And with ability to turn it on and off, Iā€™ll probably keep poking at it(pun intended), but I probably would have been more impressed if SweViver and Armin hadnā€™t already spoiled me. Really makes one appreciate their work!

Nice, tho, isnā€™t it?
Some time ago I thought I saw a pneumatic variation (the one in that link was ā€˜pneumaticā€™) for less than $10,000us, but I didnā€™t see it this time in my quick search. When youā€™re ready to look, now you know what youā€™re looking for! And what itā€™ll cost you!
I need to find me a rich uncle! Or Auntā€¦

I think that and grip are all it is capable of. And maybe not grip, I canā€™t be sure.

Which makes sense. Mapping gestures to invisible objects is not going to be a very intuitive approach.

Nonetheless, I am highly confident the hand tracking can be far more accurate than what we are seeing in Pimax Experience currently.

Indeed, Pimax Experience itself is reason enough to justify the hand tracker investment. Finally, put the VR headset on, and VR just works.

No more hoping SteamVR works well enough today just to get to Virtual Desktop first.

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