Half Life Alyx - 8KX

Even better price when buying Index controllers and I can’t see playing Alyx with anything else. Or Boneworks, Contractors and Oculus Touch game as well.


yes, I had picked up the index controllers probably 8 months back now and we can only hope that pimax’s future controller comes close to it’s natural ergonomic feel and functionality. I love the way you switch weapons in Alyx by sliding up or down on the track pad. I had 3d printed months ago the “boosters” that valve had recommended for larger hands but recently took them off and lo and behold it’s more comfortable lol.

Is it just me ior is the X running cooler now, after a pitool update? It normally has quite the hotspot top left area but lately not so much. Must be winter coming on :smiley:


Yes, it’s worth it. I did get the freebee offer. The way I look at is that I paid $300 for the game and got a free pair of Index controllers (which I haven’t used for any other game yet). It was still totally worth it. :slight_smile:

Since you’ve waited this long, it wouldn’t hurt to wait a bit longer. The Steam XMas sale will be here before you know it and HL:A will probably go on sale.


As I feel, incredible!

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