GTA5 Real Mod Dev calling for Pimax Support

from github post:

" WMR and Pimax headsets are still not properly supported, as neither Microsoft nor Pimax responded to any of my queries. Big kudos to Valve instead for rapidly making the necessary fixes to SteamVR in order to have alternate eye rendering work correctly"



Added Alex to your post to review.


Come on Pimax. One of your stretch goals was to work with developers. Or did we give up on that for the Vision as well?.


Well Robin knows best :rofl:
That’s the feeling i get out of all things happening lately.

GTA5 is one of the biggest games ever and you’re ignoring this dev. Very disappointing, Pimax.


We also got Onward, Boneworks and No Man’s Sky not being natively supporting the Pimax’ wide FOV. Will HL:Alyx support it?

Parallel projection is not a replacement for a proper integration - the vanishing point in center is off any everything gets blurry.

Do you want us to play with PP on an 8KX in two month? Please contact the Devs of at least the more popular titles Pimax and provide them with the necessary files and information. I don’t get how you would not want to do that. Please put someone into that role who’ll be responsible for that, it’s one of the biggest weaknesses of Pimax headsets today. :roll_eyes:



2 posts were split to a new topic: Amazing Shows on Prime

And the most off topic award goes to…

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@PimaxQuorra could you communicate the opening post to the team?


Hello Mindscan,

Will do! We will pass this topic to our team!



Great!!! Good thing!


awesome, look forward to better compatibility :pray::+1:


The problem with many games (obviously not GTA5) is that the developer’s don’t want to invest the effort in updating their VR support for a headset which already “works”. Unfortunately, this is just a enhancement for a framerate speedup for a headset with a limited number of users.

That’s what we’ve seen with Elite Dangerous: This was a highly requested feature, but the developers opted not to do it.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator are two games that would need some love… Quite usable, but only with PP active. 40-50 fps on a 2080Ti, so any improvement would be welcome

@PimaxQuorra any update on the GTA VR mod? Very excited to play

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