Front lighting RGB control


Although the outside looks and lighting are not important whilst inside VR, it still looks good from what I’ve seen in the video. It appears to switch colours, RGB? Is that controllable? are there effects that can be done such as Cylon as the shape is asking for it!? :slight_smile:


I hope we can turn it off because it’s like the ugliest part of it.


Hi, we are considering that may open its interface for developers or provide some options for users in the future.


Maybe add an ability to control the colors via a button that way I can signal my wife to bring me stuff.

Blue = Bring Beer
Red = Bring Beer Now
Yellow = Bring Food
Green = All is good, go back to laundry


You nearly owed me a new keyboard!! Almost spat my coffee all over it… lol.


That’s great if it is software accessible to change and not just self-contained colour changing. Either ability to change effects or even sync with audio or movement(head or controller) would be nice. I know it’s useless for the person in VR but we all know RGB makes things work better :slight_smile:

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I would love it if we could control it while wearing it.

Yeah definetely want Cylon style :laughing:

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Here is from the discussion section of the Kickstarter.

John Skibo about 8 hours ago
Had an idea for the light on the front of the HMD
Maybe add an ability to control the colors via a button that way I can signal my wife to bring me stuff.
Blue = Bring Beer
Red = Bring Beer Now
Yellow = Bring Food
Green = All is good, go back to laundry

PIMAX VR staff Collaborator 4 minutes ago
@John In addition, we will have API interface and scenario mode selection, and users can customize the lighting effect

Pimax 8K VR Creator about 7 hours ago
Q: Also, can you make the bar on the front strobe red, like a Cylon? :wink:
A: seems we should make it possible to customize the color :smiley:



Hi guys, I’m reviving this thread because I think this would be a great feature.

Is there an option to remove it? It looks ghastly. As if VR headsets didnt look goofy enough…

Yea, put some tape over it!

instead of removing it how about shutting the leds off?

I personally like it lol, you are worried about what you look like while in VR? Self conscious much?