Fresco's First & Last SkyrimVR Settings Update for 8kX pictures

I felt somewhat obligated to share some settings revisions that i have made yesterday that have improved the game since my earlier post. This will be my last post on the subject and others in the future may find additional improvements. Personally i would rather play games than post here and there are numerous other games i would also like to yet try in my Pimax Vision 8kX. I hope this will at least help someone get started with an improved experience and maybe save them some time.

Not all settings are displayed here you would need to look at my previous post:

In addition not included in the pictures that follow is the OVR Advanced Settings one i use in particular when combined with zeroing in game height slider allows a better scaling when combined with this offset.

Space Offsets

Y-Axis -0.50
Changes are pictured as follows;


Thanks Fresco, much appreciated.


you should link your previous post.
also someone sticky this

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Thanks drowhunter sorry i’m not exactly sure how to go about doing your suggestion, maybe someone else could help with that.

what I meant was in your 3rd post yo mention it as a follow up to your previous post, assuming I knew where that was.

I landed on this 3rd post for the first time.

I was just saying you should also just provide a link to your previous posts so people can see all of them

I was able to find them so no worries

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I just did it, hopefully (I think that’s the post @drowhunter is talking about) … :slightly_smiling_face:


Ha how did you do that are you a moderator?
I wonder if I could have done it.


You can. You’re a leader, like me… :upside_down_face:

Press the three little dots on the post and then the pen… :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for taking the time to write up your settings, massively appreciated! :+1:


wow i didn’t know that. I should change my icon to this guy now


(but i wont i prefer my current choice in leader icon)


FYI - Not every “Leader” is shown. There can only be 1 displayed description. Mine says “Backer”, even though I’m also a Leader. (This is my preference.)

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