External position data input in software

It would be awersome if piplay software wolud have some way to input headset positional data (freepie?)
i believe that piplay allredy have some system to send positional data to steam vr.
at least it will have it when 8k released.
so please ad some simple tool to recieve external position and relay it to steamvr as hmd position.

second think that comes to mind is: it would be nice if short click on power button would recenter headset.

Yes, oh yes please.

@PIMAX-Support, we really need these features. If you could, stop in here and respond.

Being able to recenter the headset through key mappings, controller buttons, or pressing the headset buttons is something that will greatly enhance the headset.

Likewise, being able to input data for controller and/or head movement and orientation from freepie, opentrack, freetrack, and others would be much appreciated.

Any others who stop in, please comment on your thoughts, hopefully this will gain momentum.

Yes. everyone who stop by. please leave a comment and tell how impotart these features is for us.


Sounds like we are looking for the same thing fingers crossed.