Does the Brainwarp work on pimax 4k model too?

Does the Brainwarp work on pimax 4k model too?

I can’t find enough info about this

I could enable it with smart smoothing from latest version of pitool,

but i’m not sure it works or not

Please help me

Unfortunately I dont think so
But if you had the option it is interesting, can you choose a refresh rate also?

No… I coudn’t. There were only two options, Brainwarp and smart smoothing…

When motion smoothing was introduced on SteamVR, Piplay 1.1.92 supported it and super-sampling could be cranked quite high making the image look super sharp while still being playable on an GTX 1080.

However, as SteamVR began to update along w/ W10/Nvidia Drivers, the use of Piplay began to lose support until it became impossible.