Does not start Elite Dangerous

does not start elite dangerous and Pimax 4k, steam VR is running and active.
fighting for 2 days
steam VR works, Piplay works.
GTX 960 4Gb
DCS World working fine

You’re starting Elite Dangerous in VR mode?
You are getting Elite Dangerous displaying on your monitor right?

Weird, I can’t get DCS to work, the menu is cut off as per the other post already mentioned on here about DCS.

I tried to run in different ways.
when you start ED automatically starts Steam VR, Pimax mesh track without play.
ED starts on the flat monitor in Pimax just mesh
piplay is running in mode Pimax

Hi, please hook up VR MODE of Elite Dangerous when it’s running, and let me know further : )

I’m on Skype

ED started thanks to the support of

planned production of lenses for short-sighted? your glasses Pimax watch prevents …

So what did you have to do?

I wish people would provide information when they solve a problem with games etc, instead saying it’s fixed ha, ha,
There are lots of other people out here that may also benefit from the information.
Me for one.

the problem was resolved after reinstallation ED in Steam, reinstall Steam VR, launch ED THROUGH STEAM with administrator rights

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Great, thanks. I’ve just downloaded it.