Daying Light has native Oculus support for old runtime (just add OculusEnabled() in video.scr file). In pimax in Extended mode work oculus headtracking. I have GTX1060.
Of course Extended Mode in Piplay. He work with all runtime 0.4…0.6 games. Now is not playable (jitter), but image and 3d effect is great (light effects is incredible)
There is a program opentrack, it can read oculus headtracking and coveret to mouse look, maybe that can help your problem with jitter. you can adjust the setting of the headtracking. hope that helps
[quote=“VTS, post:14, topic:687, full:true”]You have issue with judder? You install pix.exe?
I don’t think so, It feel’s smooth, I have played at least 20 hours with dying light, so great.
Mi card is a GTX960m with the latest NVIDIA drivers.
And I don’t know what is pix.exe, I just Installed PySetup.exe