Doing my research before purchasing. I am a bit confused about the resolution and the different Pimax modes. The little installation FAQ we get at the top of every page does not explain much in the way the headset operates.
If I understood correctly, The headset has a native 4K resolution, but cannot be receive any native 4K signal at any framerate because of the physical limitations of its HMDI 1.4 interface? So it gets a 1920x1080 resolution from the PC like the Oculus does, but the 4K panel still manages to make it look sharper?
Is there a link with a detailed explanation as to what extended, direct and Pimax modes are? Apparently “extended” means an extension of the main display, mine being 1920x1080, so in this mode it will receive the same signal as the PC? So what’s different in direct mode?
The apparently there are tracking problems. Right now my preferred player with the Rift is []Deo Player[/url]. At least until the Whirligig dev figures out that a gamepad has 3 directional pads that may have 4+1 buttons assigned and not just one, which may or may not happen in this century. DeoPlayer does not run from Steam, but from Windows, though it does open the Oculus overlay when being launched. Does head tracking not work in a player like that? How can it be, the main goal of VR is to display a scene and allow us to look around the scenery, is it not?
The HMD will not output 3840x2160 in Pimax nor Extend Mode.
For Pimax mode, the HMD is treated as a Rift DK2 but the res is upsampled to alleviate/reduce the SDE.
In Extend mode, the HMD will be treated as an secondary display w/ a native res of 2560x1440 if using the Beta Software/Firmware.
DeoPlayer worked in Pimax Mode, it had Head Tracking & worked with wireless 360 Controller.
I am not sure this warrants a new thread, I’d just add to my thread here as it is a continuation.
So I got the Pimax, and had some time to play around with it. I wonder how exactly do you run DeoPlayer on it? (I presume it’s the Oculus version, Deorift.exe). I launch it and it starts SteamVR. While I was using the Oculus, it ran through the Oculus software, not SteamVR.
Anyway, before I run anything, Piplay gives me a nice Pimax logo, much sharper and nicer than anything I’ve seen on the Rift. Then I start DeoRift, and SteamVR is started, and the image quality degrades completely. It is as if I am looking at the screen through a greyish sieve. And the resulting image becomes worse that on the Rift.
Also, SteamVR offers to turn on Extended mode, but when I do this it cannot find the headset.
Hi Neofit,
I just downloaded DeoPlayer for Vive and it works great.
The best player I’ve used yet. Easy setup and lots of image controls.
So this is what I did.
Put Pimax into Pimax mode (from Piplay)
Downloaded DeoPlayer from their website and extracted it into a convenient place on my PC. (I have a directory where I keep all my VR software).
Run DeoVive.exe as administrator.
It started up SteamVR and that’s it. Worked perfectly for me.
I assume if I had SteamVR already open it would have used it.
I used a XBox360 controller. Controls are shown on the DoeVR website.
I haven’t tried the Oculus version, but don’t see any need for now.
And you are not seeing any grey lines? When Piplay is on, before I launch anything, I see a very nice and sharp Pimax logo. As soon as I launch something, first SteamVR comes up as well as a bunch of very visible vertical grey lines, like a veil on the headset. The image becomes blurrier, and even SteamVR’s screen, the grey one with the lines and the arrow, is blurry and seen through a veil. When I launch a movie, either from Deovive.exe or Deorift.exe, again, I am seeing it through vertical grey lines. Lines that are not present when just the Pimax logo is displayed, so it’s not a physical issue with the lenses or the screen.
Also, SteamVR is telling me it is in Extended Mode and “For best results, please switch to Direct Mode”. When I do this, SteamVR restarts, but cannot find the headset anymore and I have to switch back into Extended Mode.
Like I said above, I’ve tried both the Vive and the Rift versions of Deo Player. Both give the same results: as soon as SteamVR is launched, in both modes and both Deo versions, it’s as if a grey veil covered the headset. You do not see any grey vertical lines when SteamVR, and anything after, is launched?
I keep bringing up the Pimax logo because it is good to see the difference, with the nice color and sharp pixels, before SteamVR is launched.