Yesterday PiPlay said that it can be updated. I did that. Now I can’t watch 3D video because AutoplayVR become “broken”. Before update when it starts I see black screen on my monitor whith big label “AutoplayVR” and some other text, everything worked. Now I see only clear white screen and mouse is not working now in it, there is no cursor, I can only pause video. Because it always run video in 360 mode, 180 video is streched and I can’t change anything without mouse.
Try ininstalling klite & reinstall piplay
I uninstalled klite long time ago, cause don’t need it. And I tryed to reinstall PiPlay, still, nothing help, white screen on PC monitor and no control in 3d video.
In updating and reinstalling PiPlay got an error (on screenshot), I manualy replaced that file and continued installation, but that mistake looks strange.
Also got that in AutoplayVR log, looks like this is problem:
Initializing input.
Input initialized.
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (0 x 0 fmt 27 aa 2), error 0x80070057
(Filename: Line: 265)
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (0 x 0 fmt 27 aa 1), error 0x80070057
(Filename: Line: 265)
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (0 x 0 fmt 44 aa 2), error 0x80070057
(Filename: Line: 265)
Initialized touch support.
From what i can read of the error. Try reinstalling directx from piplay install. Klite shpuld have reinstall during piplay installation.
Worst case may need to setup teamview session with @Pimax-Support @Doman.Chen
I tryed installing DirectX 9, and that one which going with PiPlay, but it is not 11 version. Error in log file is about D3D11. Windows 7 has DX11 “from the box”. And I have no problem with DX11 games, so DX11 in my system should be fine.
Yes, klite reinstalled, but I don’t need it and unistalled it. I already got LAVFilter and it works fine, I can see video. Problem is that I can contol the media player, exept pause.
With Directx its always best to let each program to install the copy it comes with.
Do you have an oculus as well? Noticed something about init touch?
Hi , @drondulet there may be a problem in the process of upgrading piplay. Please go to our official website: https://www.pimaxvr.com/ to download the latest version of piplay. If any problem please do not hesitate to contact support@pimaxvr.com
Please, read my second message. Already did that. Delete updated version, cleared appdata folder and so on. Then installed new version from official website.
I think problem with Unity engine, I found in internet same problems with other Unity based games.
Awesome so non Unity games working?
Nope, everything works fine. Except PiPlay in general, and AutoplayVR in particular.
Then I’d recommend setting up a time for @Pimax-Support to use teamview.
Thanks for advice, but I prefer to use my own brains.
And I found a solution. Looks strange, but all I had to do just rename/remove/delete that “d3dcompiler_47.dll” from “Pimax/PiPlay2” folder. Now player works fine.
A little bit of history for curious.
As I said before, that problem coming from Unity. Mostly from shader programs. That dll is shader compiler or part of it, don’t know for sure. So I got a suspect.
After searching for some time, I found that Unity application can be force run with another 3D API. Just need to add “-force-opengl” or “-force-d3d9” to launch parameters. So, first I tryed OpenGL and it worked! AutoplayVR launched as it should be. But no image in Pimax. I should find some way to run it from PiPlay …
Then I found that PiPlay runs player through “OVR_Launcher”. That’s it, I can do it myself. I did and it worked! But I got some strage image on PC. Then I tryed D3D9, and it worked too! But got some another strange image on PC. Then I tryed D3D11 which had problems but it worked! All worked fine, got image in Pimax and controls in player. So here I uderstoode that my system DX11 is fine, player is fine and if they both are fine, that meens that problem is in PiPlay! Looked PiPlays folder and found there “d3dcompiler_47.dll” … you must be source of this problem I thought and renamed it. Launched video through PiPlay and it worked!