I am expecting that it would get delayed. I’d be more than pleasantly surprised if it didn’t and everything launches bug free but let’s be realistic. I think even late January early February is an unrealistic expectation.
With 2 months to go I doubt very much they can guess a date for you. There is still a lot of work to go on there part. When they finish V5 and debug it maybe. They currently finished V4.
I don’t need an exact date. I just need to know if it’s getting delayed or not.
Their not going to tell you that. Matthew claims he’s traveling for three weeks and wont be answering questions(not that he was anyway) so highly unlikely you will get an answer
Two months to go I am sure lots of work even if they reasonably knew it would be shipped on time they would not announce any new time frame for shipping or delay a lot can happen between now and then that can change plans for the better or worse.
As much as every backer would like to manage their own expectation, you will have to be realistic. They are working on some real issues like e.g. the 90 Hz refresh. They will not know today when (if) they can get that resolved. So how to schedule a final delivery date then ?
And imho we should factor in a second element - Pimax may be convinced by beginning of January to have a good enough prototype & design, but the proof of the pudding (hopefully) comes with CES 2018: once the final prototype is being demoed and users experience flaws nevertheless, Pimax will be expected to address these (where it makes sense, may be expected to improve in order to provide for the desired and advertised performance).
So expect any realistic statement on the delivery date only at the end of CES 2018, if everything seems fine by then, or if not, only at some date after CES 2018 when Pimax announce, that they have solved the remaining issues and are gearing up production.
Patience is what we will all need to apply here, nothing we can do about it. Pushing & bugging them in the last weeks for such confirmation doesn’t achieve anything but to get them to rush out a flawed product before it is mature enough.
To be honest I’m expecting it to be delayed.
I just need to hear it from the horses mouth so I can move on.
It’s not like complaining can make it launch faster so I don’t really care. I do hope it launches smoothly.
how do you know they finished v4? did they say it? and did they say what they improved?
They did report that they finished v4 yes
Its one of the top posts on here: http://community.openmr.ai/t/project-progress-update-for-v4-prototype/4568
Consider statistics: The average shipping delay is 7 months and 96% of successful Kickstarter projects delayed their shipping.
Article from September 2014. Numbers are probably worst now !
Consider every delay as an upgrade. The more delays, the better it gets.
It also means they are serious about their product and actually want to be in the big VR game against Oculus, HTC, Microsoft and all the other small businesses.
If its late then its late no biggie. I rather they take there time and do it right than rush just to meet a date.
I have May in my head. Just in time for my birthday! Seriously though @PimaxVR don’t pull a Hello Games and release an unfinished product. Late but finished will show people you mean business. “On time” but unfinished will destroy your reputation and name. I want Pimax to be “the” product to buy.
Unless they’re a unicorn this package is getting delayed for sure.
I ordered mine in the last 24 hours of the KS. Given their claimed production capability, I expect to be 6-8 weeks behind the first ones shipped. This is great as you all can debug for me. Thanks
I think that’s awfully optimistic!
Will Pimax show the final product at CES 2018 (i think yes ) and if so why does everyone assume that they will ship after that date, as it would be final product it could start to ship early January (just guessing) ?
Did Pimax was aware of CES 2018 (i think yes too )when they stated that they could manufacture and ship everything in time ?
I know Backers are worried about the 90 hertz thing ( i’m not at all ) but Pimax stated 75 to 90 on Kickstarter and they actually managed to have it working in that range.
I feel like i have been misled in the sens that they might knew they could not do it on time and for me that is the most important.
If i receive a product with delay lets say more than a month no matter how good it is i would be 80 per cent down on the company and would not recommend it .
i just backed for a 5k , if they would have stated delivery in may i would have backed anyway but i like honesty.
i just express my opinion so take it easy pls , i m not a super tech guy and don’t need to be.