California state taxation issue

That is indeed a fact with purchases in Sweden. But things quickly get muddied when buying things to import vs buying within one’s own country.

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Sweden is a tiny country in the world. Their practice there does not matter. Not blaming Swedes at all here, just stating the facts. Same with the Netherlands. It’s part of why the EU is so important…

A renewed Stormakstiden and Swedish Empire would probably have us all eat mandatory Surströmming weekly. :skull_and_crossbones:


Here now, some atrocities against the people are too inhuman, even for the worst despot.


That is different though. Afaik all 8k+/8kx (from Pimax store) will be shipped directly from China.

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I doubt it would apply to international shops, esp. outside EU. They are not governed by Swedish law. Of course you need to comply with import procedures if you buy from outside. Like will show the tax and include it, but most likely will not (at least that is my experience buying from another EU country).


Yeah you can still buy electronics and other stuff from official stores on Ebay from lets say Hong Kong to Sweden, without VAT added. That cost (25%+ import costs) will be charged by DHL, UPS etc upon delivery.


I like the new topic title :joy:


Yeah, Pimax tend to change titles as they see fit. First time I see that.

Well truthfully the og title was a bit vulgar. However I can appreciate the frustration this has caused. Some forums would close the topic due to that, on the plus side the title is only revised and still on the subject matter.

Technically, It was implied vulgar, slightly different

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The vulgarity is in bypassing the filtered word. However newspaper cartoons often do such as well. :v::wink::+1::sparkles:


On that matter: @SweViver, can you please take care that forthcoming international shipments are either processed through a local warehouse but at least with the necessary paperwork to warrant for proper doorstep processing through these facilities? (proforma invoices with corret tariff cose and no unplausible fictive value stated)? Yes, this will mean whatever your lacal VAT is but only this way can avoid taking a ride through and out of town to the next customs facilities, queue up to argue unitl you finally can take it back home…(takes me half a day everytime).

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