Thanks for sharing
The below plus fpsVR keep me from getting tangled up (gives a rotary symbol in-game counting body revolutions as a hint to unwind)
Thanks for sharing
The below plus fpsVR keep me from getting tangled up (gives a rotary symbol in-game counting body revolutions as a hint to unwind)
It’s not during play and i don’t get tangled from turning. Also have cable mgmt. It just seem to leap under my feet during storage. I thinks they’re trained from birth to do that.
I rant like a madman often that I only need to look at cables and they manage to tie themselves in knots lol I think I am possibly the only person who after applying some cable management things end up looking the same or worse.
The 5K+ cable is an active cable with circuitry in the black rectangular junction. So you can’t just swap it with any other. I’m already on my third cable, previous ones all degraded into snow and blackouts. Now I disconnect the 12V power when not in use, hopefully it prolongs its life. I mostly play seated, so not sure if is physical wear or more of electronic wear.
Whether it’s powered or not isn’t going to make any difference. Cables degrade from flexing. Especially from flexing repeatedly in the same spot.
Whether you’re sitting or standing isn’t necessarily better. In fact, sitting could be worse as the cable gets pinched and bent against the chair.
The way to increase cable longevity is to reduce how many times and how much it gets flexed in the same spots. And usually the fatigue happens in the same spots over and over again as those are the spots that get flexed over and over again. If you can identify those spots, you can apply cable wrap to stiffen and armor the cable at those specific points. The main function of this is to increase the bend radius. That will increase the cable’s lifespan.
Can ask as a % what do you mainly play?
For me it’s 70% racing and 30% FPS
I asked because I would assume you are mainly moving about with that many cable swaps?
(I also pull out the power cable just out of habit of not powering things I’m not using)
I mostly do dev work, so a lot of putting on and taking off the headset. Maybe that causes increased wear. I play some games too, but that probably only accounts for like a couple hundred hours. My first cable had snow on day one too, but Pimax sent a new one which fixed it until like maybe a year later when snowing gradually appeared and progressively got worse until it blacks out frequently.
You’re probably right and I’m just paranoid. Electronics don’t wear out that fast. I think most of the stress happens on the connector on the headset. There might be some circuitry there too, I did not cut open that part to check.
Thank you
(…best of luck with your projects :P)
I was involved in a reddit thread where the op (extremely unhappy) was getting “wavy bits” on his 8kx screen. Someone posted that ferrite chokes are probably the solution and had solved his own problem. Here are the ones he recommended (not currently available but they look a lot like yours).
I have a 5k+ and maybe I’m lucky, but I bought it 2nd hand, plugged it in, and it’s worked ever since. Except for a few days during a pitools rollout. I’ve actually been astonished a few times that I haven’t damaged the cable after walking on it, crushing it, yanking it.
** It’s had about 500 hours use and I do try to keep it sort of loosely coiled, try very hard never to kink it and every now and again take the headset off and check to see if its got really twisted. Not because it’s Pimax but because I’m normally cautious with equipment. And money. Also I shut the power off when not in use because I’m paranoid the headset will quietly start up while I’m running a spreadsheet or something and gradually burn something out. It’s easier to pull the plug than to spend a while trying to assure myself that won’t happen.
Also - you posed a link for kiwi devices. Here’s another, which is maybe even more protective of your cable - VR Wire.
Thanks for the cable management suggestion - I deffo feel the tug given the lack of 5k+ padding around the nose.
Yes I posted more or less the same thing (re ferrite chokes) in the post previously - not made a blind bit of difference but then I don’t suffer from “wavy bits” but sparkles and a split right eye.
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