Best, most fun, Jaw dropping experiences so far!

Who wants to contribute to a positive thread on the things they have enjoyed with there pimax ?

(There are plenty of threads for support and complaints)

Let us grow a thread that reflects the fun or WOW factor of our VR journey.

Sure i have had my share of frustration, I have also had my fair share of 'oh wow that is cool moments. There is so many options out there, some obvious suggestions that people might still miss.

I will start this of with

SIghtline the chair

One of my absolute favourite experiences so far. Great VR demo and lots of trippy bright colors, a couple of small frights.

ON another tone altogether

The Manor, affected, terriofying VR ordeal, definitely not for the faint hearted. One for all the family !

Both of these are free to download.

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Probably RecRoom, the best experience i’v had playing vr games.

But it requires controllers…

looks good, Cheers, i have not heard of it before.

what controllers are you using ?

Unfortunately, razer hydra :smiley:

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I have tried to get hold the razor hydra controllers, can not find any cheap ones. Just like the move controllers the price has increased dramatically.


can you tell me how to play affected? I downloaded the verison 1.62 with sdk 0.7 i think, in extended mode it just doesnt work , in pimax mode neither.

Try the vuve version v1.62 and run in pimax mode with steamvr.

Can’t remember where in downloaded ur but sure I found it through google.

whats vuve v 1.62?

I did try running Affected 1.62 with steamvr enabled in pimax but nothing happens.

vive version sorry, not sure if you need it but i also have revive installed (oculus on vive hardware)

Yes I eventually guessed that. There is no vive version for it. I have Revive installed also, would you be so kind to tell me exactly the process you do to start Affected? IE start pimax-start vr- pimax mode, start dashboard yes/no etc etc?



Okay, i just loaded it up. I was prepared to have a battle because i have two versions, and could not remember which version worked but actually it run first time.

This is all the steps that worked for me right now (please note originally it took me hours to get working.)

Affected version 1.62
switched on pimax
I was in extended mode (from yesterday)
I switched over to direct mode
waited till all things settled
red light on pimax

launched game, ran

worked first time.

no steam running

Aha thanks, thing is, how do i switch to direct mode? I only have pimax mode and extended mode to chose from?

My FW is latest Piplay 1.1.74

not sure i don’t have that problem, you have same piplay as me. HAve you tried right clicking on the pimax logo when it is in the bottom right hand corner by the clock. if you minimize it, then right click you can select which mode you can enter.

maybe this thread will help

what mode are you in now ?

Im in Pimax mode. I can play Oculus content got from oculus Home, with steamvr on, as long as you have revive installed i think, they appear in steam library on the pimax icon i can only see extend and pîmax. as in piplay. just played starfighter arduxim and diggers vr experience

I am a bit anoyed at pimax, all this testing should be done by them, after all we paid 300/400 eur for this device . How hard can it be to get a guy sitting there testing content and writing instructions / working with developers to fix bugs?

have you tried right clicking on the pimax icon in the system tray ?

yeah i wish it worked 100 % of the time too, I wish it had positional tracking and a refresh rate of 100hz

from what i understand of the pimax team there are only about five of them. i am amazed it works as it does. It is an ambitious project, steam vr, oculus, vive software. im not surprised it fucks up, maybe would of being better sticking with one platform.

I am glad i have access to direct mode. is it just not available in your menu ?

Yes yes, only pimax and direct mode there. as in piplay.

did you watch that video ? seems to have two solutions

Yes yes, doesnt work for me. No direct mode. so annoying!