Auto myopia correction?

How is this supposed to work, technically/mechanically speaking? And why doesn’t it work? And is there anything I can do about it? Will manual adjustments really be possible with the right sort of firmware update?

This HMD has potential, but right now it’s merely tormenting me instead of doing what it’s supposed to be doing. I can be patient, as long as there is hope on the horizon.

The optical adjustment for myopia is not possible.The lenses are fixed and cannot be moved anyway. I think their advertising specs are misleading.

There’s no mechanical adjustable for LCD or lenses. I will post a picture of an open device when I get home

If you’ve actually disassembled your unit, I’m prepared to believe you.

I’m quite shocked by this revelation. I was prepared for all sorts of tinkering and installing and uninstalling and reinstalling and hair pulling given the nature of this product because I’m quite tenacious about such things. But if optical adjustment for myopia had been absent from the spec sheet it would have been a deal-breaker and I wouldn’t have made the purchase because I hate wearing glasses.

Really, this is a lie of epic proportions as far as I am concerned. I mean my prescription is only -1.75 in my worst eye and it can’t even correct for that.

Wearing my glasses makes things worse. There’s nothing wrong with my prescription so I’m starting to wonder if this HMD is actually faulty somehow.

Actually there are lots of reports over on the main Chinese board from people without any eyesight problems who find the optics to be blurry as well.

None of this makes any sense, unless someone decided that the optics should sit at -2.5 and that + or - 2.5 in either direction was “acceptable”, thus giving rise to the 500° myopia correction claim.

But that sounds utterly ridiculous, right?

Please, answer me, how default adjusting the focus? Too close? Not far, as in Oculus and HTC Vive?
If you close one eye, relax the eye and being focused far is blurry image?

Perhaps people misunderstand what they mean by “auto-adaption” (or they purposely make people misunderstand)

In the website they write “Intelligent auto-adaption system, reserved space for myopia glasses used”. These words are quite tricky. Now I interpret that they mean the HMD can auto adapt so that one can wear myopia glasses conveniently (also not sure if it is true or not).

In the very beginning I did not believe that a HMD can auto adjust it’s optics to suit one’s myopia. In theory it is possible but it would be expensive and not worth.

Actually this HMD could be designed better as it has many potentials. I am going to see if we (buyers) can fix it rather than returning or throwing away


Sure, the claims that PIMAX is making about “myopic auto-adaptation” are dubious, and a bit unclear, but their primary retailer, Gearbest, is being quite a bit more straightforward with the description. They write:

“Focus Adjustment: Yes”

in the product description.

And that is exactly the same convention they use to describe Cardboard headsets that do in fact actually have physical focus adjustment mechanisms (the BoboVR Z4 for example).

Having said all that I do in fact have a faulty unit that I am in the process of returning. I know it is faulty because when I wear my glasses the blur becomes dramatically worse. These are the same glasses that correct my vision perfectly in headsets like the Oculus Rift.

So there are two issues here. The first issue is that the optics are not in fact adjustable, but the lens design is such that some degree of “virtual” adjustment can apparently be achieved with IPD adjustments (as indicated by the fact that some people have achieved better focus by using IPDs that are radically different from their own actual interpupillary distance). The second issue is that there are a number of units out there with faulty optics (the PIMAX engineers obtained some samples from Gearbest and apparently determined that there was lens coating issue possibly caused by excessive humidity during shipping).

My unit was faulty in the direction of correcting for some degree of myopia, if that makes sense. In other words I would guess they were roughly the equivalent of a -1.50 glasses prescription, and that didn’t really change no matter how I adjusted the IPD. But I think it’s pretty clear that my unit is faulty, so it’s probably not indicative of the product in general. I guess we’ll find out if I get a replacement.