Wow that’s mind boggling indeed and very good to know, thanks! Will then indeed do as you said, thanks mate!
Seems like Meta want to jump on the AVP bandwagon and would be willing to have iPhones cast onto the Quest3 making it act as though it had Apple spacial computing.
Can we have the same for the Pico4 too?
Having my demo this afternoon, curious if it will blow me away…
Nice …let us know your thoughts!
my .02c
I’ve been really impressed with it. It’s groundbreaking in a number of ways like the hand tracking is definitely next-gen. The way it combines eye and hand tracking is very clever. The quality of the image in the center 90% of it or so is tip top. The latency on the passthrough is also groundbreaking, darn near instant. Of course like anything it’s not without some drawbacks like the fov and almost forced echosystem. The virtual monitor is unreal and polished ish as it wouldn’t let me make more than one and I don’t natively use apple products.
The yield on those panels and some of it’s other parts are really, really low so I always thought it should be a short run with a way above avg price point (relatively for apple that is.) They will be able to theoretically bring it way down next year.
I think they are great for the industry and hope they fully succeed.
Just watched that video, a few posts up, and it stuck me that all the marketing material interspersed whilst the hosts were talking, had most screens large and opening “standing upright”, with their vertical centres eye-level height…
I don’t know how customisable this is in VisionOS 1, but it happens to be one of my greatest comfort complaints with almost all VR that has GUI walls, such as the SteamVR dashboard, and title-screen- and menu cards in applications – there is just too much stuff that you have to tilt your head back and look up at, in order to read, and I can really feel that in my back, after some use of any of these… Here’s hoping that “standard” changes universally, as lower resolution headsets get phased out…
Totally agreed! I ended up buying one. No time today, not sure about tomorrow but will soon post my first impressions here.
I was 100% positive you’d get one
Me too.
I wonder what Seb is talking about with this new 4k HMD. My guess is it’s DPVR who will announce their new high end headset in 2 weeks.
The demo was great fun! I guess it’s always a matter of expectations vs reality. I wasnt even very sure what to expect, there are so many different views on this headset, some love it, some brought it back. I guess I just expected it to be a bit better than my Quest 3. But boy I was wrong. Well let’s start with the bad first. When I put on the headset it was in passthrough mode, so I just saw the apple store. And while this image quality definitely was a bit better than my Quest 3, I guess it didnt really blow me away. I think this is because apple cheaped out on the cameras. I mean they’re still the best I’ve seen but I was already wishing for even higher resolution cams. The image looked crisp but still it feels like you’re watching reality ‘through something’. I’m sure in a few generations you wont feel like that anymore and it will just feel like watching through a piece of glass.
Also I immediate noticed the blurring effect when moving your head. It’s not THAT bad but it’s definitely there, you dont need to go ‘look for it’, it’s there right in your face. Then again, I think I only saw it in the beginning of the demo, got used to it quickly. But yeah definitely room for improvement there.
The comfort was actually quite ok. I had expected it to be way worse. I guess this depends on your face shape, but for me, it just felt a little front heavy but nothing too bad or nothing that really bothered me. Also the battery cable did not bother me at all!
So then they started to play some demos and thats when the headset started to blow me away. I think it’s especially the passthrough mixthrough capabilities, the blending of the reality with VR is really mind blowing, probably also due to the extreme low latency. I’d be in the store, with my hands in front of me and a butterfly would land on my hand and DAMN it just felt real! The colors are so amazing and everything that’s rendered just looks so good. But what really blew me away was when I was watching some VR movie, I think I was near a lake and the apple person that helped me said “now put your hands in front of you”, and I was expecting like some hand like symbols like you see in the Quest 3. But damn, I just saw my own arms and hands, mixed into that scene, like I was really there in that scene! That was just crazy. It wasnt even perfect, I did see some rendering artifacts but damn this was just insanely good. I think its just the really good oled colors, the super low latency of the passthrough mode and apple’s rendering engine that yields in an experience thats just way beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Just imagine playing a shooter where you see your own hands and arms holding a machine gun, thats really a game changer, it just does so much for immersion.
The sound was also really good. But I guess its mainly the super good oled panels combined with this ultra low latency passthrouhg mixing that blew me away. I dont agree AT ALL to Zuckerberg who said that the Quest 3 is even better, thats just a laughable statement. The AVP is really on a different level, its nog even close, it’s just SO much better than the quest 3.
Now the big question of course remains: what am I going to do with this thing? It’s so sad to see that Apple has all this great tech and then locked it all up. This really is the ultimate gaming headset without any games LOL. But since I was really so blown away during the demo I just knew i HAD to buy it. Its crazy good.
Now would I recommend this headset to anyone? Most likely not. If it had SteamVR native access I would have said YES even at the $3500 price. But right now I’m not sure yet. I am sure that this is by far the coolest headset I’ve ever used and am already looking forward to spend quite a bit of time with it, even if it was only watching the demos over and over again LOL
Now regardless what anyone thinks of Apple (I personally dont even like them, dont own any other products from them), this headset really has raised the bar, especially for mixed reality. I can only hope that Sony and Siemens can get up to that level but honestly I’m not sure they can. But the high bar is there and im sure companies will at least fight hard to get up to that level or even surpass it. So this thing is just really good news for everyone.
Even if you dont plan on buying it, everybody on this forum really should book a demo with the AVP when it comes to their country, it’s just a great experience for sure.
thx for your impressions!!
I imagine it will have steamvr but perhaps at first achieved with a high degree of hassle factor. It does have a very small smattering of games to test. This is where you really notice a bit of blurring rotationally but for me mostly i don’t notice it much.
Things to look for - keep an eye out for samsung… I got a demo and it was super impressive. I also think they will massively benefit the industry. Most of the usual suspects have new devices too as well like LG and Panasonic. Got a demo from panasonic too and what they have in store is also quite cool.
ALVR is already in TestFlight so other than controllers being a hurdle, SteamVR is already a thing for the AVP.
I haven‘t studied the Zuck statement in detail. However, I think it ver much depends on what you focus on: sure, the AVP will have superior displays etc., and some great new UI/UX improvements. But in terms of practical added value for a user, who is interested in MR/VR also as a gamer, perhaps even predominantly, I think Zuck‘s statement is absolutely fair - and if you take the value proposition per dollar into account, it would even be a lopsided victory.
Sure, I haven‘t tried the AVP yet - but to me it‘s not all about the better blacks, higher resolution, etc… Currently I am quite happy with the Q3 just because it offers such a hassle free package, including wireless (and I am very grateful there is no stupied battery cable either!). The AVP is offering a hassle free environment for mainly 2D iOS apps so far with a bit of very nice MR in the mix, but to me that package would not have the same value the Q3 currently has.
But I am excited about Apple improving some of the quirks in the consumer version in 2 years - and adding a lot more content making actual use of the 3D space these devices open up for us users. I like the iOS ecosystem, so it will fit in well at our home.
I would seriously recommend trying the AVP before engaging in any more arguments, comparing it to what is literally a low spec gaming console.
The AVP is a definite milestone for the entire VR/MR space whereas the quest3 is just the next iteration of meta’s race to the bottom.
That makes no sense. One could say don’t vote for any politician until you’ve met them for real and had chance to ask questions on a one on one basis. The reality is you look up their policies, judge their character and make an informed decision.
Anyone looking for a wide FOV HMD is not going to look twice at AVP. Anyone who doesn’t want to be saddled with a HMD that’s going to depreciate quicker than a Bitcoin isn’t going to look twice at AVP.
Once Meta release their Quest Pro2 we’ll get a huge reality check and Apple will release a AVP Light where all the fluff is disposed off and the price will come crashing down.
Price won’t matter to some but they are probably the 1% of the VR community or YTers that need the clicks.