Any Pimax 8k availability news?

As so many of us that didn’t make the PiMax 8k Kickstarter campaign, I’m dying to get my hands on one.
What’s the best way to stay informed so I can get it as soon as it comes out or when another Kickstarter campaign starts, if that is going to happen?

First of all: If you are going to ask for news, don’t phrase your post topic as a statement, so that it looks like you are offering news. Then maybe people will not be inclined to shun you (pet peeve).

Now, as for an answer, assuming the headline baiting was perfectly innocent: Looks like you’ve already found this forum.


Hey Jojon;
Thanks for updating the title; you’re right, I should’ve at least put a question mark at the end there, it was innocent and unintentional. I was merely trying to get to the point as I really don’t want to miss another opportunity of getting the Pimax 8k and there hasn’t been any news ever since the last campaign.
I’m glad I found the right place to stay abreast of things :slight_smile:


You won’t hear about Retail availability until all the Kickstarters get theirs at a minimum.

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I suspect Heliosurge is the one deserving your thanks. :slight_smile:

Sorry if I came across a little brusque; Welcome, and let’s hope retail units do not tarry too long (if at all), after backers have been satisfied. :slight_smile:

Thanks all, I’ll be looking forward for a Christmas present hopefully, and I’ll be on my best behavior so Santa would would help out PiMax in production :slight_smile: