All-in-one module

I realize it’s really early to begin discussing this. In the apology letter today at the very bottom, Item 7 mentioned it. What exactly is this module? Has it been mentioned here before? If so, Where can i read up on it? Thanks.

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Good question. Didnt saw any info about it too (except for a single mention from pimax team).

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Essentially something like an android based (might be) vr pc modul to allow you to use it like an android vr headset. Oculus Go like so to speak. From what i understand. But more clarity is better.

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu @bacon

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Yes, all-in-one module is our key work in the second half of next year. We plan to use Qualcoomm845 chip, the technical plan is currently under discussion.
Thank you