5K Backers in the USA?

Any 5k users from USA? Specifically Midwest area?

I ask because of my concerns with 80hz limit on the 8k vs 90hz on the 5k and my nausea. Normal teleport gaming, or even arm swing locomotion I am okay with … but without smooth gameplay I get nausea from fligth games, driving games and any other multi axi sliding type of gameplay (I.E Battlezone). As a frame of reference I can play them now on my Vive with GTX 1080. but when I had my GTX 980. those same games would give me nausea.

If any 5k Backers that have more solid VR legs want to swap emails. I would be interested in a straight trade once I have my 8k ( IF It gives me Nausea ) . I am still hopeful that it will not, but would also like a plan in case it does.

Actually, 8K and 5K will have the same PPD but 8K will have around 800 vs 600 PPI on 5K. So 5K will have more noticeable SDE but much better than CV1. SDE on 5K should be similar to Vive PRO and Oddissay.

My only point is that the stable refresh rate on 8k at the moment is 80hz, and on the 5k it is 90hz

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I think refresh rate causing nausea is exaggerated. I got nausea on PSVR which can go to 120Hz so refresh rate does not answer to it.
Nousia is when you see something and your middle ear does not feal it the same way like see. This is causing motion sickness.
Higher effect on this has input lag especially on tracking than display refresh rate.
Also, it is an individual issue and same as in-car driving motion sickness pills helps and with time when your body adapt and embrace new experience you can develop resistance to nausea in VR.

New Oculus GO is based on LCD on 72Hz and there is no problem with it. So practically this 80 or 90Hz das do not play the major role at all.
I understood that you think about switching from 8K to 5K because of it so trying to make some comparison to other devices based on technical preferences so you can decide is it worth it to

VR is very individual impression so you are the only one who can decide depending on your preferences.


@GameMaker is just looking to have an option if finds affected by the refresh rate.


Different folks different stokes, some people just get more sick then others when put into those kinda of situations, like some people dont notice 60 fps from 120 fps, some can see it some dont,


I’m in Michigan with a 5k+ and I’d consider this. I already have it in hand (backer 375)

Edit: Wow didn’t catch that this was 7 months old HAHAHA


Accidental necros happen. (I’ve done it.)

Regardless, this topic is still relevant. There should actually be quite a few backers in the US with headsets, now or in the near future.

I’ll have my 8K within 1 month (estimated). If anyone in Atlanta has a 5K+ and wants to do a comparison, just PM me.

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Congrats which date did you receive?

Got it on the 22nd, tracking number came on the 26th.


You called?