110 degrees Fov stretched to 200 degrees? EDIT: All the games render in a native wide FOV through the engine

That’s a result of the problem. The real problem is that SteamVR does not ask the HMD if there’s an angle between the screen. It sounds extremely plausible. Yet @yangjiudan claimed otherwise. So please show us in the SteamVR API where you specify the screen angle @yangjiudan

this article is very good, actually we already have met the problems mentioned in this article. and we have fixed it. the article mention that steamvr(openvr) did not support rotated eye views which is a bit outdated. and the way hmd provide hmd parameters through the hmd firmware is not the only way, there are other ways that can provide more information to steamvr.

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Ok well clearly you don’t want to say too much, which I can understand. However it does sound very suspicious and we just have to assume that your ‘hack’ even works.

The thing is, all we, the kickstarter backers, have right now is the Tested review where they claim that the images were very stretched. It might have been caused by wrong IPD settings, as you guys claim. But we need evidence. We need more professional, reliable and independent reviews. Best way to convince is us go back to Tested but this time with the right IPD setting @deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR @PimaxSWD

This is really a key issue. If it’s really as bad as Tested said, I’m going to cancel my kickstarter bid.

Still waiting on non vertical through the lense video footage.

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We have been working on the Wide FOV HMD for around 2 years, we encountered these kind of rendering issues, but finally we managed to solve the problems after many many try.
Sorry, we couldn’t talk more details since they’re patented.
But we will have more VR experts to do the real reviews on October and show more evidences.


More reliable reviews would certainly be very helpful. I must honestly say I’m a bit skeptical after the Tested review but if it turned out to be an IPD issue and other reviewers say everything is fine, I’ll go with that of course.

How is the new prototype going ? I think you were planning it for next week ? Or is it going to take some more time ?

Thanks !

Its a mix of Panel angle and moving your eyes to the periphary on the headset. That’s Doc Ok’s blog, (this is the guy I want Pimax to talk to. He is a professor at UC Davis.) Working with VR and Caves is his field. He would probably at least understand the problem and be able to help.

Im not an engineer, so im.not sure whats causing this, but Norm and Jeremy both mentioned a sretching distortion when they moved their eyes beyond the center of the FOV.

I dont like when Pimax dismisses our concerns, and then we end up being right haf the time.

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Yes, we’re working on 3.0 version prototype (with Display port). after 3.0 prototype, we will kick off the tooling and prepare the mass production. 3.0 prototype will be ready in two weeks.


I really want you guys to succeed. Please dont mistake being a little critical with a lack of interest. I just want to see the headset do its best.

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You guys wrote a wrapper of some kind I’m guessing?

Thanks for your information. we can bring the 8K demo unit to him, and let him do further review, it will help to eliminate concerns. How to reach out to him?


Through the pens footage would be great @PimaxVR

That would be extremely awesome !!

His youtube channel has an email to get a hold of him through.

https://mobile.twitter.com/okreylos Here is his twitter page.

He definitely knows his stuff. He has a degree in pertinent subject matter.

Here is a page with his university contact information http://idav.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/

Here are his emails




I really wish I had the money to back the kickstarter campaign which I dont, but at least I can help.

Take engineers with a translator along when you meet with him.


You can contact him at: http://idav.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/Contact.html

If this guy says it’s all good, I’m sold :slight_smile:


@PimaxVR And bring your developers when you talk to this professor ! I’m 100% sure it’s going to be a very interesting talk where both parties might actually learn a few new things, which means win/win for us, the users :slight_smile:

This thread was getting too full.

There is also endorsements from Unreal & Unity.

With Valve endorsing this the Openvr as @PimaxVR has said the Fov has been unlocked.

Yes programs that don’t have support say for Multimontor like Rfactor to expand Fov are likely to require a form of stretching til the developer if title is new enough or popular enough title is updated.


No, it’s not unlocked at all. There’s no official way to support an angle between display panels. Pimax is using some hack which they CLAIM works well. It would be awesome if SteamVR would actually really support it. Anybody can see that wide FoV is the future of VR, but I think SteamVR and HTC are still in some close partnership, so I doubt SteamVR is interested in giving companies like Pimax a kickstart while HTC has no answer yet.

@Heliosurge is saying that since valve endorses this, they can unlock the limitatuons. Steam can update their stuff.