110 degrees Fov stretched to 200 degrees? EDIT: All the games render in a native wide FOV through the engine

Perhaps it should be a Stretch Goal?

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Hi, when can we expect an update ? Dumping screenshots is extremely easy, in SteamVR go to the compositor and select to save screenshots, as I’m sure you’re aware. Thanks !

They are still working on pre release headsets lots of tweaks they can do to correct things. I know there will be compromises with this first gen I don’t mind at all. I feel happy to support Pimax by joining the Kickstarter.

Maybe they can do some corrections and let Tested try it again.

I must say this is THE potential main problem for the Pimax 8k. If they can’t find a solution to what Tested perceived as ‘stretching’ then this thing is not going to be the ‘ultimate VR headset’ at all.

I had eyefinity triple screen and absolutely hated it because of the peripheral vision warping.

I backed the 8K basic and while I am happy that resolution will not be an issue, I do fear that warping will be something they can’t resolve. I will of course keep my pledge active and await further clarification on the FoV stretching, but IMHO it will be make or break.

I do genuinely hate the existing FoV issues with Rift and Vive, but the fix is NOT to simply distort the view to a wider screen. It absolutely MUST have 1:1 mapping and scale for me, anything else will destroy the immersion and lower FoV would be preferable.

Seeing the laptop displaying the extreme warping in that fruit game made it look horrendously bad to be honest.

Here’s hoping it’s game dependent.

as you red above, Pimax never really confimed they don’t support “the true fov” neither that they’re “stretching it”. They’re saying “it works well”.

In other words, this will probably not be fixed, stop complaining before even having it.

The same goes for the 8k X, stop asking, they DON’T have ANY 8k X functional yet, not in the labs, not on their desk. It’s in their minds, today. Stop asking!

Pimax already created something remarkable, let give them some credit. But we’ll have to wait for the big fishes to move the necessary tech forward as for game engines, fov optimizations, eye tracking and “in sdk” foveated rendering

All the games render in a native wide FOV through our engine. we have tested most steam games, it works well.

8K 200FOV

4K 110FOV


Very much appreciated @deletedpimaxrep1 ! Thanks ! I’m in a hurry, going to take a closer look later. But thanks again for being so cooperative !


thx . is it possible to reduce the FOV in the software?

Thank’s for the update.

we can consider to add an option in software. any reason for a smaller FOV?

I see no reason to reduce the FOV.
One of the main reasons for my future purchase of 8K is precisely the wide FOV.
It is so good that there are simply no words. From its reduction, nothing will change in terms of resolution density, because it is the same across the entire display area … Thank you.

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would be nice… the more i can modify myself the better :smiley: i made the experience that its different from user to user which FOV they prefer on a monitor. i don’t know how it feels when i wear the 8K because i never had the chance. On the picture the sides looks too much streched, i don’t know how it looks through the lens, because the picture is always straight and not curved :smiley:

The headset has a 16/9 resolution for each eye, the most used PC monitor and TV aspect ratio.
So the 200° x 110° FoV is quite easy to understand… 200x9/16 = 112°.
CQFD, the images aren’t distorted.

I’ve been running triple screens (40" now 43") since 2009 and loved it (Flight sims and FPS mostly).

While I love the 3D and immersion of the Oculus, I missed the more immersive surround view of the monitors, even with the edge distortion.

That’s the reason I am backing this as well. If I wanted a 110 degree headset I have a whole marketspace full of them right now

i dont understand :smiley:
the picutre is 1913x660…without the black its 1913x378 on my pc
thats not 32:9 !?

32/9 = 3,55
1913 / 378 = 5,06
this is the first thing thats weird.
the second thing is…you can clearly see in the picture that its streched at both sides. On my Monitor at home i have this when i made the FOV too high. In some games you can change the FOV in ingame settings.

The only thing i dont know is how it looks through the lens, because i assume its different to look at a flat picture or looking through lens on 2 displays which ur brain is making to one picture :smiley:

That would be a nice option to have, to reduce the FOV would also save on GPU power required, might be nice to have that option for certain games.

Very good observation. What’s going on here @deletedpimaxrep1 ? This can’t be the SteamVR dump ? That would be at least more than 2x1440p.

EDIT ah I see already you guys just took a screencapture from within windows. That’s not what I was looking for. Please go to SteamVr/display mirror and then select screenshot from the main menu. That should dump the left and right eye as rendered by the game. Thanks !

I’m sorry if this seems negative, but you are doing yourselves no favours posting that 200FOV screenshot because it looks horrendously stretched. I know it is hard to render (pun intended) 3d to 2d correctly but as sjefdeklerk posted, would a screendump from SteamVR not be better than a Windows screenshot?

Thanks for at least taking the time and effort tor respond, it is genuinely refreshing.

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We will make the dump from SteamVR tomorrow and post here.